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Convocation 2014 | Official Website of Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, UP, India

Convocation 2014

Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University Jaunpur organized its 17th convocation on February 4, 2014. Ex-Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Peeush Ranjan Agarwal presided over the convocation function. Prof. Ashok Gulati, Chairman of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India was the chief guest on this occasion. Hon’ble Justice Dilip Gupta of Allahabad High court was guest of honour.

Thirty four students were awarded Gold Medal for standing first in the order of merit for the academic session 2012-13 of different courses running in the ten faculties including Agriculture, Art, Commerce, Education, Law, Science, Management Studies, Applied Social Sciences and Humanities, Engineering and Technology, and Medicine, and 337 students were awarded Ph.D. degree in their respective subjects.

Chief guest Prof. Ashok Gulati said that the purpose of education is not only to equip the younger generation with knowledge and skills to earn a decent livelihood, but also empower them with a value system so that they can contribute to the larger cause of humanity, and create a world that is better than they inherited. In doing so, you will obviously face several challenges in life, and that’s the time your real education will be put to test. One of the big challenges that India faces is how to feed a large and growing population of 1.2 billion,. The challenge is not only to produce ample and nutritious food, but also making it available to people at affordable prices.

In his presidential address Ex-Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Peeush Ranjan Agarwal told that we should focus on reforms in the quality of higher education. In the post independence era, politicians and policy makers of the country gave serious thought to higher education system, syllabus, and structure of universities. Central and Government educational institute and universities of international standard were established. It is the responsibility of the teachers that they should upgrade their teaching methods incorporating new ideas to make subject interesting for students interest and in accordance with their intellectual capability.

Quality of education, infrastructure facilities, up gradation of syllabus, collaboration between researchers and industries, collaboration with country’s reputed scientific research organizations, up gradation of laboratories, use of modern technology equipments, availability of standard journal and books in libraries and the use of information and communication technology can help us in meeting the challenges of modern time.

Prof Dharni Dhar Dubey in his welcome speech said that the invention of internet and expansion of mass media has integrated the local community with the entire world. Today goods, services, information, money, individuals and knowledge can be instantly exchanged across continents. An University is recognized by its size and quality. As per the demand of time, University will have to respond to the parameters of quality, for which all the bodies of the University have to innovate higher standards of academic excellence.

In the Convocation function Registrar V.K. Sinha, Finance officer Amar Chandra, the members of University Executive and Academic Council, managers, principals, public representatives, teachers, officers, employees, students and parents were present in large number.

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