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Student Grievance | Official Website of Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, UP, India

Student Grievance

Grievance Form For Employee/Student/Guest (Click Here)

Application Form for Grievance (Click Here)

Grievance Cell Members 

क्र.सं. सदस्यों का नाम विभाग / संस्थान  नामित पद मोबाइल नं. ईमेल 
  डॉ संतोष कुमार     भौतिक विज्ञान विभाग  संयोजक  9532574675
  सुश्री अन्नू त्यागी एप्लाइड साइकोलॉजी विभाग  सदस्य 7906496390
  श्री सचिन    अग्रवाल वित्तीय अध्ययन विभाग सदस्य 9415255042

Procedure for Redressal of Grievances

  • An aggrieved stakeholder who has a grievance can lodge complaint online (at website) or offline with concerned authority. Authority will inquire by way of fact finding and will try will try to redress the grievance within a reasonable time, preferably within a week and communicate the decision to the aggrieved person and all concerned. It will also submit a detailed report to grievance redressal cell through its head.
  • If the stakeholder is not satisfied with the decision of the concerned authority/committee, he/she can submit an appeal to the grievance redressal committee within a week from the date of the receipt of the decision.
  • Grievance redressal committee, after verifying the facts and reports, shall pass appropriate order in the best possible manner within a reasonable time, preferably within 10 days of receipt of application.
  • If stakeholder is not satisfied with the decision, he/she can submit a review appeal to the head of institution within 7 days of receipt of decision of appeal.
  • Grievance redressal Committee, if needed, may recommend to the head of institution, necessary corrective action as it may deem fit, to avoid recurrence of similar grievance.
  • While dealing with the complaint the committee/ authorities at all levels will observe law of natural justice and hear the complainant and concerned people. While passing a decision at any level the relevant provisions of Act/Regulations/ rules should be kept in mind to avoid contradiction of the same.