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Introduction | Official Website of Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, UP, India

    Centre for Renewable Energy (CRE)


    Centre for Renewable Energy (CRE) has a special mission to foster collaborative, interdisciplinary research and education in the science and technological for development of cost effective and sustainable energy alternatives.  Faculties of CRE are exploring many topics of Nation interest such as alternative cost-effective solar energy technology to resolve energy crisis, development of nanomaterials for energy conversion and storage devices, fabrication of thermoelectric devices for waste heat energy management. To meet this surging demand, solar energy is the best form of energy to fulfil the energy needs of India and bridge the energy demand-supply gap. In Indian context Solar energy is one of the most suitable renewable energy sources due to its geographical location. India is a tropical country and it receives solar radiation almost throughout the year, which amounts to 3,000 hours of sunshine. This is equal to more than 5000 trillion kWh. Almost all parts of India receive 4-7 kWh of solar radiation/m2. This is equivalent to 2300–3200 sunshine hours per year. Hence research activities of CRE are more concentre on the development of solar energy materials and their devices as well as development of thermoelectric devices for waste energy harvesting to contribute in National efforts. Centre is well equipped with world-class research facilities and infrastructure for the contemporary and advance research. These not only facilitate researchers for their research but also encourage and motivate our Bachelor’s and Master’s students for their higher study in the Field of Science. Also, research facilities available in the centre are open for external researchers for collaborative research work.

    Ongoing Research Activities in the CRE

    • Organic Solar cells
    • Organic Inorganic Hybrid Solar cells
    • Perovskite Solar Cells
    • Flexible Perovskite Solar cells
    • Growth of Perovskite Single Crystals for Solar cell Devices
    • Synthesis and characterization of Nano Materials for thermoelectric devices.

    Ongoing Research Projects in CRE

    • Synthesis and Characterization of Lead (Pb) free Perovskite Materials for Solar cell devices

    Principal investigator : Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Chaudhary

    Funding Agency: Council of Science & Technology, Uttar Pradesh

    • Investigations on Ion migration driven degradation in Perovskite solar cell devices

    Principal investigator: Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Chaudhary

    Funding Agency: DAE-CSR, Indore Centre

    • Ion beam Assisted metal induced crystallization of semiconductors

    Co-Principal investigator: Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Chaudhary,

    Funding Agency: IUAC, New Delhi