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SWAYAM | Official Website of Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, UP, India



SWAYAM stands for Study Webs of Active-learning for Young Aspiring Minds. SWAYAM is an online learning platform developed by Government of India. The SWAYAM provides all the courses from 9th class to PG Level. The courses delivered through SWAYAM are available free of cost to the learners.

SWAYAM provides both credit and non-credit courses. Credit course (regular course) means a course which follows an academic curriculum taught for at least one Semester as a part of a Subject/Programme and for which credit transfers are permissible under the Regulations/ Notifications issued by UGC & AICTE. Non-Credit Course (self-placed course) shall include courses like awareness programme, continuing education programme or training of specific skill set as independent course, which are not part of any set curriculum.

For more details, contact Nodal Officer or see SWAYAM website or go through FAQs

Frequently Ask Questions

The FAQs provided are subject to change and may vary for each national coordinator and each semester. We advise you to review the respective course page for comprehensive details and direct any inquiries to the relevant national coordinator responsible for offering the course. Please note that information provided here is subject to updates and modifications.

  • What is SWAYAM?
    SWAYAM stands for Study Webs of Active-learning for Young Aspiring Minds. SWAYAM is an indigenous developed platform, initiated by Government of India, which is instrumental for self-actualisation providing opportunities for a life-long learning.
  • For which standard & discipline, the Courses shall be delivered through SWAYAM?
    The SWAYAM provides all the courses from 9th class to PG Level.
  • Can any person in the world register a Course on SWAYAM?
    Yes, any person in the world can register a Course on SWAYAM.
  • What is the eligibility criterion for joining an online course?
    There is no specific eligibility / age criterion for any of the online courses. The faculty of a particular course may recommend some basic knowledge of certain topics for a person to fully grasp the contents of a course. Anyone may join an online course and register for the exam.
  • What Courses are planned & who can deliver the MOOCs on SWAYAM?
    You can choose from hundreds of courses, that is taught at the university / college / school level. More than 1,000 teachers and lecturers from across the Country have participated in preparing these courses.
  • Who shall produce & deliver the MOOCs on SWAYAM?
    MoE has appointed ten National Coordinators viz UGC, NPTEL, CEC, IGNOU, NCERT, NIOS, IIMB, INI, NITTTR & AICTE which have been assigned a specific sector for preparation of online courses for SWAYAM.
  • Is there a fee to join/register for a SWAYAM course?
    The courses delivered through SWAYAM are available free of cost to the learners, but students who need certificate will write a proctored exam which has a nominal fee
  • Are Skill based courses also to be covered under SWAYAM?
    The SWAYAM shall also cover Skill based courses.
  • Are Swayam courses recognized by employers or educational institutions?
    SWAYAM courses are recognized by the Government of India and participating institutions. However, recognition may vary depending on the institution or organization. It's recommended to check with relevant authorities for specific recognition details.
  • How can I register on SWAYAM?
    Go to the official website and click "Register as Student" to register yourself.
  • What are the required info. for registering on SWAYAM?
    Your Name, Email ID are essential information for registration process on SWAYAM platform.
  • Can I signup using microsoft or google login?
    Yes you can.
  • How would I know that my account is verified, Will I receive an email notification?
    Yes, you will be receiving email notification from
  • I forgot my login password. Is there any provision to reset my password?
    Click "forgot password" option and follow steps to retrieve/recreate your password.
  • How can I search a course on SWAYAM?
    You can search with your own keywords or you can choose categories listed on
  • How can I select a course on SWAYAM?
    After you have search a category or a keyword, a list of courses will appear. You may click the course-title of the course that you find suitable, detailed course-page of that course would appear.
  • How can I know which course will be suitable to enroll into?
    Go through the Course-page and check the eligibility and other information.
  • Can I search category wise courses on SWAYAM?
    Yes, you can.
  • Can I search a course on a specific topic?
    Yes, you can search a course on a specific topic.
  • Can I search and find a course from any specific University?
    You can go to the specific University/Institute page and search the courses being offered by those Institute/University.
  • Where can a learner find, course syllabus & details of course credit?
    The learner will be able to find the syllabus & course credit details on the course detail page.
  • How to find out the eligibilities for the courses?
    In the Course-page, all the details of the eligibility are mentioned.
  • Can I enroll into multiple courses once I got myself registered with SWAYAM portal?
    Yes, you can enroll in multiple course (MOOCs) on SWAYAM after registration.
  • Is there any time limit or deadline to the courses where I am enrolled?
    For participation in a course which is a scheduled course, students cannot enroll after the course is started. For a Self-paced course there is no deadline.
  • Can I submit my assignments online?
    Yes, It can be done!
  • Do I need a dedicated internet connection? or I can consume course contents offline once logged in?
    You would need an active internet connection to consume course contents.
  • Can I also download my content for offline access?
  • Yes provided faculty has given the download access to the students.
  • How can I ask a question to the faculty?
    You can find the option "Q&A" on the course page to post your course related queries.
  • Will it be visible to all the students enrolled in that course?
    Yes, Since it is an open forum.
  • Will I receive notification emails when new post is added?
    Yes, only if you have subscribed to the discussion forum.

  • What are credit courses?
    Credit course means a course which follows an academic curriculum taught for at least one Semester as a part of a Subject/Programme and for which credit transfers are permissible under the Regulations/ Notifications issued by UGC & AICTE. After conduct of the external examination and completion of the internal assessment evaluation, the National Coordinator/Host institution shall award marks/grade as per the evaluation scheme announced. On successful completion of each course, the National Coordinator/Host institution offering the Online Course would issue the certificate, along with the number of credits and grades, through which the student can get credits transferred into his/her marks certificate issued by his/ her parent institution.
  • What are no-credit (Selfpaced) courses?
    Non-Credit Course shall include courses like awareness programme, continuing education programme or training of specific skill set as independent course, which are not part of any set curriculum. No certificate will be issued for completion of Self paced courses.
  • Where do I get information about up-coming certification courses?
    The details will be available at SWAYAM when the enrolments begin.
  • I just came to know that an online course that I wanted to join has concluded its run. Is there any chance of this course being offered again?
    Courses will be available based on a specific semester based on the availability of the course instructor who is offering the course. All courses will not be available in all the semesters.
  • If I were to suggest a particular subject/topic for an SWAYAM online course, will you take that into consideration?
    Suggestions are always welcome. The respective National corodinator will decide on this.
  • How will I come to know about assignments and deadlines?
    Each assignment page will have the due date and time for submission.
  • How do I find out my score in each assignment?
    You will be able to see the scores of the submitted assignments on the progress page once the due date of submission is over.
  • I live outside India. Can I take the certification exam?
    You need to write to the respective National coordintor regarding this.
  • What do I have to do to get a certificate?
    One has to join the course, submit weekly Assignments, register+pay for exams & finally write the in-person-at-centre proctored exams. The pass criteria also depends on the courses.
  • Will I get credit equivalents for SWAYAM certification courses?
    If you are studying in any college, you need to check with your college. It is upto your college/university how much credit should be given for each course.

SWAYAM Examination can be conducted in two different ways :

A. The Universities conduct the end term SWAYAM Examination

  • What procedures will university adopt to conduct end term SWAYAM Examination? 
    University will conduct the end term examinations for SWAYAM courses according to the UGC “Framework for Universities to conduct Examinations for SWAYAM Courses Regulation 2021”.

B. National Testing Agency (NTA) and National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) conduct the end term SWAYAM Examination.

  • Since it is an online exam, can I take the exam from home on any day/date?
    If you are taking an exam in India, there is no option to take the exam online from any other place other than from the designated exam centre. Also you cannot change the session and date mentioned in the hall ticket.
  • Due to other commitments, I cannot appear for the exam on the date you had prescribed. Can I take the same exam on another date?
    No, you should take the exam in the alloted exam date
  • How will I get my Admit Card?
    You will be notified via email once the admit Card is made available as per the schedule communicated through the website. Candidates need to check the Admit Card carefully for all particulars e.g Roll No. Name, Subject, Date of Birth, Examination Centre Name, City, and Category, etc.
  • Where can I get the details of test centre?
    The name of test centre along with the address will be mentioned in admit card.
  • Can I change my test city after receiving Admit Card?
    No, you will not be allowed to change your test city once admit card has been issued. While applying, candidates have to select any three cities of their choice. Efforts will be made to allot city of examination to the candidates in order of the choice opted by them in their application form. Please select your preferred choices carefully. However, the exam partner reserves the right to change the city based on administrative exigencies.
  • What is the reporting time at the centre?
    Candidates are advised to report as per staggered entry time slot mentioned on their respective Admit Card in order to avoid crowding during verification of the admit cards, registration, frisking, etc
  • What documents do I need to carry to the examination centre on the day of examination? What are the things allowed to be carried or not to be carried to the examination centre?
    Candidates MUST bring the following documents on the day of examination at the test centre. I. Admit Card (a clear printout on A4 size paper) II. Any one of the original and valid Photo Identification Proof issued by the government – PAN card/Driving License/Voter ID/12th Class Board Admit or Registration card/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/ EAadhaar/ Ration Card./ Aadhaar Enrolment No. with Photo. All other ID/Photocopies of IDs even if attested/scanned photo of IDs in mobile phone will NOT be considered as valid ID Proof. Note: Candidate will not be allowed to take personal items such as mobile phones, digital/analogue watches, food items, study material, lockets, bags, electronic gadgets or any other prohibited items into the testing room. You are advised not to bring these to the test centre
  • What precaution should I take while carrying document?
    The name on the photo identification must match with the name as shown on the Admit Card. If the name has been changed due to events such as marriage, candidate must show the relevant document like Marriage Certificate / Divorce / Decree / Legal Name Change Document at the time of examination.
  • Should I carry a paper to the exam hall for doing some rough work?
    No. Blank Sheets for doing rough work/calculations will be provided to the candidates at the exam centre. All calculations/rough work are to be done only in the Blank Sheets provided at the Centre in the Examination Room/Hall. On completion of the test, candidates must drop these rough sheets along with Admit card and Undertaking in the designated box, as instructed by the invigilator on duty.
  • How do I answer questions in the computer-based mode?
    Detailed guidelines on the Procedure for appearing in computer-based tests are given in the Information Bulletin. You may go through them.
  • Can I take the exam from any computer?
    No, a candidate will have to appear for the exam on a computer? pre-assigned workstation of the test center allocated to him/her.
  • Can I move back and forth between the questions?
    Yes, candidates will have the option to navigate between the questions by following instructions available on the User Interface. They may change even answer options, anytime before they enter submit button.
  • What if I could not appear in the examination on scheduled date?
    No candidate will be allowed to appear at the examination center/date/timings other than that allotted to them in their Admit card. Important: For those who are unable to appear on the scheduled date of test for any reason, retest shall not be held under any circumstances.

  • How do I register for the online exam?
    You need to fill the exam form and make the payment online.
  • What is the registration fee for SWAYAM Examination?
    Please check the course page and timelines and guidelines of the respective National Coordinator for the fee details
  • What is the eligibility to register for SWAYAM courses?
    You need to enroll to the course to register for the final exam
  • If I request for any specific city as exam centre that is not already in your list, will you agree to that?
    No. You need to select the exam city which is most suitable for you and which is available in the exam form which will be allotted based on the availability with the exam partner.
  • After registering for an online exam, I realized that I cannot take the exam on that date. Will you refund my money? If so, how soon should I notify you?
    Please refer to the timelines and guidelines issued by the respective National Coordinator.
  • Where can I see the exam dates?
    The date of the exam will be mentioned in the course page and the announcement page.
  • Can I submit more than one application form for the exam?
    No. Only ONE application is to be submitted by a candidate for appearing in the exam. However, you can apply for more than one course in the same application form, subject to the papers opted being held in different dates.
  • What documents or certificates do I need to upload along with the Application Form?
    Candidates need to upload scanned images of photograph and signature with the Application Form. Photo should be in JPG/JPEG format (size between 10 kb–200 kb) and signature should be in JPG/JPEG format (size between 4 kb–30 kb). PwD certificate and category certificates are to be uploaded, if applicable, while applying. Category /PwD certificate should be in jpg/jpeg format (size between 50kb to 300kb)
  • How can I pay Application Fee?
    Fee can be paid using Net Banking / Debit Card / Credit Card / Paytm/UPI / Wallet. Candidates need to keep proof of fee paid. In case the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee then the transaction is cancelled, and amount will be refunded to the candidates account. However, the candidate has to make another transaction, in case the Confirmation Page is not generated.
  • Can I use my friends email address when registering for?
    No, you need to use a valid and unique email address of applicant only. Because all communications by mail will be sent at the registered e-mail ID and/or through SMS at the registered mobile number. Apply for Online Registration using own Email ID, i.e the same E mail ID used for Registration on SWAYAM portal.

  • Will there be negative marking for a wrong answer?
  • How will I come to know my score?
    You will be notified once the results are published
  • Is there any criteria for qualifying in the exam?
    Dependes on the course, the criteria will change. Please check the respective course page for the criteria
  • Can I apply for rechecking or reevaluation of my marks?
    No. There is no provision for rechecking or reevaluation.
  • How do I get my final score/certificate?
    Will be given by the respective National co-ordinator after the results of the proctored exam are declared.
S.No Name View / Download
SWAYAM कोर्सेस से संबंधित दिशा निर्देश Click here To View / Download
डिग्री प्रोग्राम में किए जाने वाले SWAYAM पाठ्यक्रम (2025-2026) Click here To View / Download
यूजीसी स्वयं विनियमन 2021 Click here To View / Download
भारत सरकार द्वारा विकसित SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) पोर्टल पर उपलब्ध पाठ्यक्रमों को लागू किये जाने संबंधी | Click here To View / Download
भारत सरकार द्वारा विकसित SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) पोर्टल पर उपलब्ध पाठ्यक्रमों को लागू किये जाने संबंधी | Click here To View / Download